
Using various operators to perform daily routines. Integration with Technologies: Redis: Acts as a caching mechanism to optimize data retrieval and processing speed, enhancing overall pipeline performance. MySQL: Utilized for storing metadata and managing task state information within Airflow’s backend database. Tableau: Integrates with Airflow to generate interactive visualizations and dashboards, providing valuable insights into the processed data. Amazon Redshift: Panasonic leverages Redshift for scalable data warehousing, seamlessly integrating it with Airflow for data loading and analytics. Foundry: Integrated with Airflow to access and process data stored within Foundry’s data platform, ensuring data consistency and reliability. Plotly Dashboards: Employed for creating custom, interactive web-based dashboards to visualize and analyze data processed through Airflow pipelines. GitLab CI/CD Pipelines: Utilized for version control and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) of Airflow DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs), ensuring efficient development and deployment of workflows.