Airflow Summit is an initiative of the Apache Airflow community and is produced by Software Guru.

Apache Airflow community representatives

Briana Okyere

Community | Top Ranked Podcast Host

Elad Kalif

Data Engineer at Amazon | Apache-Airflow Committer & PMC Member

Jarek Potiuk

Independent Open-Source Contributor and Advisor / Apache Airflow PMC Member and Committer

John Jackson

Senior Product Manager at AWS

Kaxil Naik

Manager of Airflow Engineering at Astronomer | Apache Airflow PMC Member & Core Committer

Michal Modras

Cloud Composer Engineering Manager @ Google

Rafal Biegacz

Senior Engineering Manager at Google | Cloud Composer

Rajeshwar Bishundeo

Software Development Manager at AWS

Viraj Parekh

Founding team, Field CTO @ Astronomer

Produced by Software Guru & collaborators

Alberto Rodríguez

Web & A/V

Fernando Hernández


Mara Ruvalcaba

Event Manager

Pamela Orozco


Pedro Galvan

Content management & Technical production

Teyza Ponce

Attendee experience